Hi ladies♥ Oggi vi voglio raccontare la fantastica storia di una donna piena di vita e di brio che ha lasciato un segno indelebile nella storia cinematografica americana..spero sia d'ispirazione a tutte voi mie care. Buona lettura ^_^
Hi ladies ♥ Today I want to talk about the amazing story of a woman full of life and verve that has left an indelible mark in the history of American filmography .. I hope she will be an inspiration to all of you my dears. Happy reading ^ _ ^
̄ ̈'*·~-. ̧ ̧,.-~*'SHIRLEY TEMPLE ̄ ̈'*·~-. ̧ ̧,.-~*'
Soli due giorni fa ci ha lasciati la "riccioli d'oro del cinema" degli anni Trenta, bambina prodigio che divenne la stella della 20th Century Fox, nonchè l'attrice più pagata degli anni 1933-1935 con 20.000 dollari alla settimana.
Just two days ago has left the "golden curls of cinema" of the Thirties, a wonderchild who became the star of 20th Century Fox, as well as the highest paid actress of the years 1933-1935 with $ 20,000 a week.
She was born in 1928 in Santa Monica as the third of three brothers , her father was a businessman and banker and her mother was an ex ballet girl housewife , who poured on the only daughter her ballet dancer ambitions failure . Her film career began when Charles Lamont , director of the Educational Picture assumed her. The producers of the various films suggested a new look, so his mother every morning created 56 perfect blond curls (he had dark smooth brown hair actually) inspired by Mary Pickford ( Canadian actress , who also began her career as a child and then became a famous silent cinema star ) . On the big screens Temple personified the character of a sweet and pretty girl who at the same time possessed a boundless wisdom . It has been invented specifically for her the "Oscar young", conferred to her after she starred in the film " Bright Eyes " , the film that saved Fox from bankrupt in 1934 , at the height of the Great Depression . It was in this film that she had sing the song, which became one of his warhorses, which is: "On The Good Ship Loollipop ."
During this period when the population was plagued by economic catastrophe , her films gave hope and optimism , as much to receive a compliment from President Roosevelt himself who said, " As long as our country has Shirley Temple , we'll be fine " and he added : " it is wonderful that for a few cents every American can get in a movie theater and see the smile of a girl who gives him back the strength to go forward." In almost all his films she played characters with at least one parent endangered or dead ( this construct meant that the adult empathizes with her parent) by the presence of someone who wants to tear away the only adult , usually elder , which she loves . In addition her famous tap dance "This is a happy little ditty " sparked a lot of controversies in the racist Southerners, who were Americans who considered unacceptable for a white child being touched by a black man and still in modern editions some scenes has been censored because of racial stereotypes they contain.
From 1936, while Rooselvelt had started the propaganda of the "return to the countryside", the setting of the film with the Temple was changed: while maintaining the usual pattern, the scene takes place in rural environments and Shirley, first the child born in a socio-cultural suburban contest, now she turns into a kind of shepherdess forced to go into town, but eager to return to the country where there await those who love her. Her success now goes gradually decrease, at the age of twelve, when his waning public no longer finds sympathy for her; so she ends his career as a marvel child.
Her success went so much far beyond cinema, that in the Thirties was a real phenomenon. One of the main things that catch our eyes it's this link between his career and the historical period in which she lived , when the United States was trying to get out of the Great Depression. Her chubby face with dimples in her cheeks, compensate the depressing view of American children in that historical age (thin, dirty , stunted). Another interpretation puts her as the opposed to the figure of the aggressive woman with explicit sexuality, represented by Mae West, instead Sherley inspired protection in men . Her character was not always seen in a positive light , in fact in 1937 the novelist Graham Greene wrote a review in the magazine Night and Day on her appearance in the movie " We Willie Winkie " in which he accused the admirers of the Temple of pedophilia. As long as the mother of the Temple and the film writers denounced him for defamation and perversion. Greene was forced to escape from the United States , repairing in Mexico and the magazine Night and Day was closed . Another charge was to be seen her as a racist stereotype , by the Afro-american writer Toni Morrison and later by the Italian writers Fruttero and Lucentini .
All'età di 17 anni sposa l'attore John Agar, ma nonostante la nascita di una figlia, Linda, il matrimonio si rivelerà un fallimento anche a causa dell' alcolismo del marito e cinque anni dopo divorzieranno. Alla fine degli anni Quaranta si ritira dalle scene.
At the age of 17 she married the actor John Agar, but despite the birth of a daughter, Linda, their marriage will prove to be a failure also because of 'her husband's alcoholism and five years after they divorced. At the end of the Forties she hangs back from acting.
In the same year of the divorce, she married the Californian businessman Charles Black with whom she had two sons, Charles Jr. and Lori, so she deicided to jump into politic and run for the U.S. Congress for the Republican Party. She also became a U.S. representative at the UN for two years and U.S. Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia. Then she served on the boards of several large companies and she has had many non-profit assignments , and also received honorary doctorates from two universities and also was the first public figure to talk about her breast cancer. In conclusion, her contribution to the entertainment industry has been precedentless, she lived a truly remarkable life, she was a brilliant talented and determined actress . Shirley Temple died of natural causes on February 10, 2014, at the age of 85, at his home in Woodside, California, among her family.
Omaggi alla Temple:
Compliments to Mrs Temple: |
- Un celebre quadro di Dalì rappresenta Shirley come una sfinge, ed è intitolato Shirley Temple, il più giovane mostro sacro del cinema.
- In a famous Dali painting Shirley is represented like a sphinx, and is named Shirley Temple, the youngest sacred monster of the cinema.
- Negli anni trenta sorsero in tutto il mondo numerosissimi club di fan di Shirley, uno in ogni nazione. Alcuni, in Europa, divennero più grandi dello stesso club statunitense.
- In the Thirties sprang up all over the world numerous clubs of Shirley fans, one in each country. Some in Europe, became larger of the same U.S. club.
- Andy Warhol, da bambino, fece parte del club di Shirley Temple polacco, ricevendo una lettera autografa dalla stessa Temple. Nella sua stanza appese alla parete, accanto al crocifisso, un collage di ritratti di Shirley, probabilmente la prima sua opera.
- Andy Warhol, as a child, was part of the Sherley Temple polish club, getting an autographed letter by the same Temple. In his room on the wall, next to the crucifix, a collage of Shirley portrait, probably his first work [9].
- Sulla copertina dell'Album dei Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Shirley Temple è l'unico personaggio ad apparire due volte: come sagoma di cartone accanto a George Harrison e come bambola sulla cui maglietta è stampata una frase ironica rivolta alla band rivale, "Welcome The Rolling Stones".
- On the album cover of The Beatles Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Shirley Temple is the only character to appear twice: as a cardboard cutout next to George Harrison and as a doll on the t-shirt on which is printed an ironic phrase given to the rival band, "Welcome The Rolling Stones".
- Shirley Temple ha dato il nome ad un cocktail analcolico, fatto con Ginger ale e Granatina, inventato per lei da un barista di Waikiki, nelle Hawaii, durante un suo viaggio molto pubblicizzato che doveva servire anche a cementare l'amicizia fra i cittadini americani dell'arcipelago e quelli del continente. Oggi lo Shirley Temple cocktail è diffuso in tutto il mondo.
- Shirley Temple gave its name to a non-alcoholic cocktail, made with ginger ale and grenadine, invented for her by a bartender diWaikiki, Hawaii, during a highly publicized trip that was intended also to cement the friendship between the citizens of the U.S. 'archipelago and those on the continent. Today the Shirley Temple cocktail is diffused throughout the world.
- Nel 1960 Henry Farrell, nel suo fortunato romanzo What ever happened to Baby Jane?, ambientò una terrificante vicenda di assassini nella casa di una ex-bimba prodigio cinquantenne. Da questo romanzo fu poi tratto il famoso film con Bette Davis. Tutti concordano nel riconoscere nella protagonista una parodia di Shirley Temple.
- In 1960, Henry Farrell, in his bestselling novel "What ever happened to Baby Jane?", set a terrifying story of murder in the house of an ex prodigy child at the age of fifty. From this novel was then stroked the famous film starring Bette Davis. All agree in recognizing the parody of Shirley Temple.
- Shirley Temple appare sotto forma di cartone animato in due cortometraggi di Walt Disney degli anni trenta: The Autograph Hound, con Paperino (cui regala un suo autografo, vestita da marinaretta come in Capitan Gennaio), e Mickey's Polo Team, con tutti i personaggi Disney inventati sino ad allora; in quest'ultimo cartone è seduta accanto ai tre porcellini.
- Shirley Temple appears in cartoon form in two short films of Walt Disney in the Thirties: "The Autograph Hound", with Donald Duck (which gives her autograph, dressed as a sailor like Captain January), and "Mickey's Polo Team", with all the Disney characters invented until then, in the last cartoon she's sitting next to the three little pigs.
- Nell'episodio Ultimo tip-tap a Springfield della dodicesima stagione della nota serie animata I Simpson Lisa va a fare lezioni di ballo nella scuola di un ex bambina prodigio, La Piccola Vichky, una chiara parodia di Shirley Temple. Sempre ne I Simpson nel III Special di Halloween in King Homer, compare una piccola attrice molto simile alla Temple, che canta On the Good Ship Lollipop.
- In the episode "Last tap-dancing to Springfield" of the twelfth season of the famous animated series The Simpsons Lisa goes for dance lessons in the school of a former prodigy child, Little Vichky, a clear parody of Shirley Temple. Always in The Simpsons Halloween Special III in King Homer, appears a little actress very similar to Temple, singing On the Good Ship Lollipop.
Curiosità: Curiosities: |
- Fu proprio Shirley Temple a consegnare nel 1939 l'Oscar a Walt Disney per il film Biancaneve e i sette nani.
- It was Shirley Temple in 1939 to hand the Oscar to Walt Disney for the film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
- Nel film Un giorno a New York, con Frank Sinatra e Gene Kelly, si vede una donna uscire da uno studio cinematografico tirandosi dietro una bambina, la quale protesta perché non vuole diventare una bambina prodigio. La bambina si vede solo di spalle, ma è palese che voglia rappresentare Shirley Temple.
- In the film One Day in New York, with Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly, you see a woman get out of a movie studio dragging a little girl, who complains that she does not want to become a prodigy child. The child is seen only from behind, but it is obvious that wants to represent Shirley Temple.
Ciao Luna,
RispondiEliminabellissimo il tuo spazio, sento l'entusiasmo e l'allegria con cui ti dedichi ai tuoi articoli, questo post è molto gradevole e dettagliato. Brava!
Un saluto di incoraggiamento a proseguire così :D
A presto,
Complimenti,è veramente entusiasmante i suoi cortesi modi di esprimersi illustrando la piccola attrice Shirley Temple.