Hi ladies! Ecco oggi è il giorno X dell'anno in cui il vostro lui dovrà stupirvi nel migliore dei modi e magari nel più originale. In cambio voi fategli un regalino che stuzzicherà tutti i suoi sensi.
Per prima cosa toglietevi di dosso tuta, mutandoni della nonna, e pantofole da serata alla "C'è posta per te" sul divano coi fazzoletti pronti all'uso..e cercate quello che di più sexy avete MA sopra metterete l'elemento clou della serata..un fantastico grembiulino da cuoca provetta nonchè moglie perfetta.
Hi ladies! Here today is the day of the year when your boyfriend will amaze you in the best way and maybe the most original. In return, you get him a gift that will tickle all your senses.
First of all, take off the suit, Grandma's knickers, slippers of the evening with "You've Got Mail" in tv on the couch with handkerchiefs ready..and try to found sexier clothes you have but put on top the peak element of the night .. a great apron like an exceptional cook as well as the perfect wife.
Quindi ricapitoliamo:
NO a Maria De Filippi
NO alla nonna che fa l'uncinetto
NO ai vestiti da casalinga disperata.
SI a un profumo inebriante
SI al vedo non vedo
SI allo sguardo più ammaliatore che avete in corpo.
So let's recap:
NO to Maria De Filippi
NO to the grandmother who does crochet
NO to clothes of a desperate housewife.
YES to an heady scent
YES to clothes transparencies
YES to the glance more charmer that you got.
La casa non serve che la addobbiate con petali, fiori, sbrilluccichini e simili..l'uomo è un bambino mai cresciuto con un ego più grande di lui e con la mente che viaggia sempre sulle stesse onde: non ci farà caso. Neanche se lo voleste sfidare e gli diceste:
"Amore tu fai un giro mentre io preparo il dessert, e cerca i 10 particolari romantici che ho messo amorevolmente per te oggi in giro per casa, dopo aver passato una giornata leggiadra come le solite, prima a pulire casa, poi a spelacchiarmi ovunque per rendermi accettabile e poi a fare le mie mille commissioni quotidiane..ma vabè se non lo faccio io chi lo farà mai?? (quest'ultima frase ditela magari sottovoce mentre vi allontanate per entrare in cucina)". Non li troverà MAI.
Forse noterà che un quadro è da raddrizzare, una presa da sistemare, ma quel cuscino gigante con la vostra foto sopra con tanto di strass e paillettes gli apparirà come il cuscino perfetto per appoggiare la sua tenera testolina (per le più fortunate) o in alternativa (per le, ahimè, più audaci e pazienti) i suoi piedoni stanchi e doloranti.
The house does not need to be addobbiate with petals , flowers, sparkling things and similars.. the man is a child never grew up with an ego bigger than him and his mind always travels on the same waves : he doesn't matter. Even if you wanted to challenge him and you will say to him:
" Sweety take a ride while I prepare the dessert , and search for the 10 romantic things that I put to you today lovingly around the house after spending a day softly as the usual other , before cleaning the house, then waxing myself everywhere and then doing my daily thousand commitments.. but ok if I don't, who will never do this stuff? ( maybe say that last sentence quietly, while you are to enter into the kitchen ) . " He doesn't find them EVER.
Maybe he will notice that a picture is straightened ,that there is a light socket to fix, but that giant pillow with a photo of you together on it with lots of rhinestones and sequins will appear to him as the perfect pillow to support her tender little head ( for the lucky ones ) or alternatively (for the most daring and patients of you) his big feet, tired and sore.
The house does not need to be addobbiate with petals , flowers, sparkling things and similars.. the man is a child never grew up with an ego bigger than him and his mind always travels on the same waves : he doesn't matter. Even if you wanted to challenge him and you will say to him:
" Sweety take a ride while I prepare the dessert , and search for the 10 romantic things that I put to you today lovingly around the house after spending a day softly as the usual other , before cleaning the house, then waxing myself everywhere and then doing my daily thousand commitments.. but ok if I don't, who will never do this stuff? ( maybe say that last sentence quietly, while you are to enter into the kitchen ) . " He doesn't find them EVER.
Maybe he will notice that a picture is straightened ,that there is a light socket to fix, but that giant pillow with a photo of you together on it with lots of rhinestones and sequins will appear to him as the perfect pillow to support her tender little head ( for the lucky ones ) or alternatively (for the most daring and patients of you) his big feet, tired and sore.
Ma voi non ci farete caso, perchè ormai alla veneranda età di (?) avete già capito che l'uomo è questo. (In realtà penso che sia innata in noi questa verità). E a dirla tutta è proprio questo che ci fa impazzire del nostro lui..
❤La sua forza, che nasconde dietro invece tanta voglia di coccole;
❤la sua infinita sapienza, sviluppata si, per cose per noi del tutto inutili (ad esempio per come funziona il motore di una macchina) ma sempre utili all'occorrenza (e poi quando te lo spiega con quella passione che rimani a bocca aperta con gli occhi sognanti..);
❤la sua voglia di stupirti sempre, magari non con le banali cose da solita sorpresa fatta apposta per stupire (vedi anello di fidanzamento), ma con un orso di peluche gigante sul letto (che prima ti farà venire un colpo al cuore, poi infinita gioia..);
❤i suoi occhi così dolci che parlano più di mille bocche (di donne) e le sue braccia che potrebbero spezzare un tronco della foresta di Città Laggiù, ma che sanno circondarti con una leggerezza disarmante e tu non riesci più a pronunciare parola..
Eh già potrei continuare all'infinito..
But you don't notice that, because now at the age of (?) you have already realized that this is the man. (In fact I think this truth it is innate in us.) And to be honest this is what drives us crazy for our man ..
❤ His power, that hides behind the desire to cuddle ;
❤ his infinite wisdom, developed yes, for totally useless things for us (as the way the engine of your car works), but always helpful when necessary (and then when he explains it with that passion that you remain open-mouthed with dreamy eyes..) ;
❤ his desire to always surprise you, maybe not with the usual mundane surprise things made to surprise (see the engagement ring ), but with a giant teddy bear on the bed (which before it makes you a blow to the heart, then gives you endless joy ) ;
❤ his eyes so sweet that speak a thousand mouths (of women ) , and his arms that could break a log in the forest of City Over There, but which know how to surround yourself with a disarming lightness and you just cannot pronounce a word..
Eh I could go on forever..
Eh già potrei continuare all'infinito..
But you don't notice that, because now at the age of (?) you have already realized that this is the man. (In fact I think this truth it is innate in us.) And to be honest this is what drives us crazy for our man ..
❤ His power, that hides behind the desire to cuddle ;
❤ his infinite wisdom, developed yes, for totally useless things for us (as the way the engine of your car works), but always helpful when necessary (and then when he explains it with that passion that you remain open-mouthed with dreamy eyes..) ;
❤ his desire to always surprise you, maybe not with the usual mundane surprise things made to surprise (see the engagement ring ), but with a giant teddy bear on the bed (which before it makes you a blow to the heart, then gives you endless joy ) ;
❤ his eyes so sweet that speak a thousand mouths (of women ) , and his arms that could break a log in the forest of City Over There, but which know how to surround yourself with a disarming lightness and you just cannot pronounce a word..
Eh I could go on forever..
And it is the infinite that they know how to taste.. Even in those few hours spent together, you live the eternal.
A proposito di assaggiare..
Tornando alla cenetta da cui è iniziato il mio sproloquio smielato, ora vi suggerisco i cibi afrodisiaci più famosi, che a quanto pare potrebbero migliorare il desiderio sessuale. E vi dico anche il perchè.
Fin dall’antichità, in epoca egiziana e romana, fior fior di ricercatori hanno studiato gli alimenti in grado di aumentare la virilità e di conseguenza la fertilità. Il termine “afrodisiaco” deriva dal mito di Afrodite, dea dell’amore, che uscì dal mare dentro una conchiglia d’ostrica.
Sarà la verità? Questi cibi possono davvero scatenare una tempesta ormonale?
Vale la pena tentare mie signore..anche perchè alcuni sono niente male ◕‿◕
About taste..
Returning to dinner by which it's started all my sickly sweet rant, now I suggest you the most famous aphrodisiac foods, which apparently could improve sexual desire. I also tell you why.
Since ancient times, in the Egyptian and Roman era, plenty of examples researchers studied that the food can increase virility and fertility. The word "aphrodisiac" comes from the myth of Aphrodite, goddess of love, who came out of the sea in an oyster shell.
It will be the truth? These foods can actually trigger an hormonal storm?
It is worth groped my ladies .. also because some are so goods ◕ ‿ ◕
✿Peperoncino: contiene capsaicina, una sostanza che stimola le terminazioni nervose e aumenta l’impulso.
✿ Pepper: contains capsaicin, a substance that stimulates the nerve endings and increases the pulse.
✿ Pepper: contains capsaicin, a substance that stimulates the nerve endings and increases the pulse.
✿ Chocolate: contains phenylethylamine, a stimulant, which gives a sense of well being and excitement. The researchers believe that chocolate contains chemicals that affect neurotransmitters in the brain and a related substance to caffeine called theobromine. Rich in antioxidants, more than red wine. The combination of the two can blow up the passion.
✿ Strawberries and raspberries: the perfect aphrodisiac foods, red, traditionally associated with love and passion, are rich in vitamin C.
✿Ostriche: Le ostriche sono una ricca fonte di zinco, un minerale necessario per la produzione di testosterone. Questo ormone maschile aumenterebbe la libido femminile.
✿ Oysters: Oysters are a rich source of zinc, a mineral necessary for the production of testosterone. This male hormone would increase the female libido.
✿ Oysters: Oysters are a rich source of zinc, a mineral necessary for the production of testosterone. This male hormone would increase the female libido.
✿ Wine: disinhibits and stimulates the senses when drunk in moderate amounts. On the contrary, excessive use of alcohol creates sleepiness.
✿Mandorle: nel corso dei secoli sono state simbolo di fertilità e stimolanti del piacere femminile.
✿ Almonds: over the centuries have been a symbol of fertility and stimulant of female pleasure.
✿ Almonds: over the centuries have been a symbol of fertility and stimulant of female pleasure.
✿Basilico: stimola il desiderio sessuale e aumenta la fertilità. Dona, inoltre, un senso di benessere nel corpo e nella mente.
✿ Basil stimulates sexual desire and increases fertility. Give, also, a sense of well-being to body and mind.
✿ Basil stimulates sexual desire and increases fertility. Give, also, a sense of well-being to body and mind.
✿ Coffee: taken in moderation is a stimulant, but its abuse turns into a depression. Caffeine stimulates the mind and body.
✿ Avocado: rich in vitamin B6 increases the production of male hormones. Furthermore, holding a lot of potassium, helps in regulating the female thyroid. "Testicle tree" was named so by the Aztecs because the fruit hanging in pairs on the branches looked like male testicles.
(quel coltello mette un p d'ansia lo so) |
✿ Ginger root: it can be eaten raw, cooked or crystallized. Ginger is a stimulant of the circulatory system that can increase your sexual desire.
✿ Rocket: known as aphrodisiac food early in the first century AD, was consumed with grated orchid bulbs and parsnips, vegetables ancient, little known and appreciated, but looking good and healthy.
✿Noce moscata: le donne cinesi credevano che la noce moscata aumentasse il desiderio sessuale, migliorando la fertilità. In dosi elevate può avere un effetto allucinogeno.
✿ Nutmeg: Chinese women believed that nutmeg would increase sexual desire, improving fertility. In high doses can have a hallucinogenic effect.
✿ Nutmeg: Chinese women believed that nutmeg would increase sexual desire, improving fertility. In high doses can have a hallucinogenic effect.
✿ Bananas: aphrodisiac foods for excellence, their content of potassium and Vitamin B is essential for the production of male hormones.
✿Asparagi: grazie alla forma fallica sono considerati cibi afrodisiaci. In effetti, c’è un fondo di verità: la vitamina E contenuta stimola gli ormoni maschili contribuendo ad una vita sessuale sana e maggiore virilità.
✿ Asparagus: thanks to the phallic shaped are considered aphrodisiacs foods. In fact, there is a grain of truth: the vitamin E contained stimulates the male hormones contributing to a healthy sex life and increased virility.
✿ Asparagus: thanks to the phallic shaped are considered aphrodisiacs foods. In fact, there is a grain of truth: the vitamin E contained stimulates the male hormones contributing to a healthy sex life and increased virility.
✿ Anise: had special sexual powers according to the Greeks and Romans. If you hold in your mouth, they said, the seeds release substances that can increase libido.
Se poi riuscite a creare un menù completamente afrodisiaco, penso proprio che farete il botto! E mi raccomando fatemi sapere come avete unito tutti gli ingredienti..voglio tutte le ricette!! Ma soprattutto come è andata la vostra cenetta e se a lui è piaciuta..(e se ha fatto effetto mi sembra ovvio)
If you succeed to create a menu completely aphrodisiac, I think that you will do a bang! And please let me know how you combined all the ingredients.. I want all the recipes! But above all, tell me how was your dinner and if he liked it.. (and if it did effect, obviously)
»-(¯`v´¯)-»Dedicato ad Alessio, la mia ragione di vita.
Un bacio, Luna.
»- (¯` v '¯) - »Dedicated to Alessio, my reason of life.
A kiss, Luna.
»- (¯` v '¯) - »Dedicated to Alessio, my reason of life.
A kiss, Luna.
great post!!!
thank u!! =)